Entrepreneurship Entry Requirements

Section A: Compulsory Requirements

  1. Must have a business running or an idea already written down(Compulsory Requirement).
  2. Basic ICT Knowledge to operate a computer device(Compulsory, because we are a virtual open university and we use the Internet to deliver)
  3. English Language, L2 Minimum (If you haven’t got a grade; you can still enrol and take WMOC Functional Skills English Language, pre-entry to undergraduate)
  4. Mathematics, L2 Minimum (If you haven’t got a grade; you can still enrol and take WMOC Functional Skills English Language, pre-entry to undergraduate)
  5. At least one professional or academic reference
  6. A Curriculum Vitae(CV)

Section B: Assistive Requirements

Other background qualifications can strengthen your acceptance on the course. See below.

7. Any certificate qualifications: Entrepreneurship, Business Studies, Economics, and relate other qualifications. Note if you already have a degree in any other subject other than business you are eligible to apply. Since the LJU Qualifications are degree empowering to make you grow practically, you might want to enrol even if you have an MBA; so that the practical element that we uniquely offer can be of benefit to you.

8. Research skills and ability to work independently. When you are assigned a task, by University standards; you will be required to carry out research and cross reference to support your ideas or though development. A university journey is one of higher knowledge development and originating new ideas. You purpose is to grow innovatively.

9. Work under pressure to meet tight deadlines. You must be able to work under extreme heavy work load; as an undergraduate candidate.